Gallery Gaetano

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Lockdown – Random Thoughts

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Over the past six months we have lived through a terrible time in our history. The problem has been worldwide yet also very personal. Daily we see that many are having to cope with very distressing situations with little respite on the horizon. 

As we go into the dark winter months and the possibility of further lockdowns, the future is even less certain. We have an inevitable recession looming leading to many job losses, housing and money problems, mental and physical health problems as well as the fear of Covid-19 itself which, despite ‘ramping up’ the test and trace programme, is still with us.

The arts have been one of the hardest hit sectors over the past months with very little financial help from The Chancellor and even less chance of restarting in the near future. Yet, without the arts there are no films, television, books, artworks, dance or music. In fact, none of the things that have helped sustain many of us through this distressing time.

There are no concerts, festivals or touring productions scheduled until 2021 and if they don’t happen next year, they may never happen again. No Glastonbury, no ballet, no opera, no west-end shows or plays - all gone.

However, the lockdown has generated a few glimmers of creative light. There are now many exhibitions, musicals, plays, concerts, operas and solo performances on-line and you will also find countless artists exhibiting their work on websites such as this one. Just search for art venues, theatres, concert halls and galleries to see what is on offer.

Art, especially drawing and painting, is a wonderful escape. Why not pick up a pencil and piece of paper and start drawing? It really doesn’t matter if you have never drawn before and think you have no talent in that direction. Simply draw what is in front of you such as a mug or a plant pot or even the coffee table. It doesn’t have to be a Michael Angelo or a Da Vinci but it will take you to a different place for a time and it will definitely make you feel better about the world. Once you have started who knows where or what it will lead to.
